We all hate Feedback Forms - However without them, we are unable to improve our service and delivery to people, just like you.P.S. You are entering your details into a secure website - it gets stored in a database and may be used for marketing purposes. We always read submissions, so your data will be used for monitoring and improving our service. Course Reference* Trainer Name(s)* Your Name EmailWhat did you think of the; Call Audio Quality*005 Call Video Quality*005 Course Content*005What did you think of the Trainers; Subject Knowledge*005 Ability to Hold Your Interest*005 Use of Effective Teaching Methods*005 Support and Guidance*005 Appearance, e.g. Clean and Tidy*005 Confidence*045Last Bit... How was the Pace of the Course? (0 Poor, 5 Excellent)*005 How confident do you feel about using your new knowledge/skills? (0 Not at All, 5 Extreamly)*005 Please rate the Trainer(s) (0 Poor, 10 Excellent)*0010Any Other Feedback? Please give us a testimonial for our website; Any Further Comments reCAPTCHAI'm Ready... Send!Reset Contact UsCall 24/7/365 – 01788 422 100Email hello@local-medic.co.uk